Podcast: Big City Catholics Podcast

Episode 136 – Uniting in Our Diversity as One Body of Christ

Listen to this episode of Big City Catholics where Bishop Brennan and Fr. Heanue discuss Pope Francis’ call during this holy year to walk together in unity amongst our rich diversity. They explain that we are one body of Christ that needs to come together, looking to God for hope.

Episode 135 – Bearing Witness to Human Dignity with Fr. Alonzo Cox

Fr. Alonzo Cox joins Bishop Brennan on this episode of Big City Catholics to discuss human dignity. Bishop Brennan calls us to bear witness to hope and truth, and to see that divine spark of the image and likeness of God as we look into the eyes of each other. He reminds us that Jesus calls us to to not only tolerate and respect each other, but to love one another, including our enemies.

Episode 134 – Living Out God’s Great Commission with Dan Tully

In this episode of Big City Catholics, Bishop Brennan is joined by Dan Tully at the SEEK Conference in Washington, DC. As a FOCUS missionary, Dan talks about his rewarding calling from the Lord to live out God’s great commission in a full-time capacity by leading others to discipleship, and living in God’s love through the vocation of marriage.

Episode 133 – Exploring Campus Ministry with Omar Cortez

In this week’s episode of Big City Catholics, Bishop Brennan visits the SEEK Conference in Washington, DC, where he is joined by Omar Cortez, Director of Campus Ministry at Queens College. They discuss the presence of faith on campus at the college’s Newman Center and hear inspiring stories from student leaders as they reflect on their experiences and passion for Jesus.

Episode 132 – Pilgrims of Hope

Happy New Year! Celebrating this happy occasion, Bishop Brennan gives his homily at the opening of our 2025 Jubilee Year, Pilgrims of Hope. Pilgrimages can bring challenge and unfathomable joy. Bishop Brennan invites us to go forth and begin our journey as joyful missionary disciples of Jesus, giving witness to the tenderness of God’s own love, and sharing Him with one another. 

Episode 131 – And the Word Became Flesh

Bishop Brennan gives his Christmas homily from The Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph with a message of good news that the reality of God is visible through the flesh of Jesus. Bishop Brennan proclaims that God is our light in the darkness and nothing can separate us from His love.

Episode – 130 – God Dwelling Among Us

The joy of this season continues to grow as Bishop Brennan and Fr. Heanue recount the special events celebrated in our diocese, all visual signs of the Church coming together in preparation for Christmas. Bishop Brennan reminds us that through the ups and downs of life, the one constant is God, who dwells among us. He urges us to bring Christ to one another.

Episode 129 – Rejoice in the Lord Always

In this special Advent episode Bishop Brennan discusses the joy of knowing the Lord is near. As we embark on Gaudete Sunday, the third Sunday of Advent, Bishop Brennan urges us to rejoice in the Lord always, through both the good times and challenges of life, and to let Christ shine within us.

Episode 128 – Longing for Jesus Christ

In this episode of Big City Catholics, Bishop Brennan and Fr. Heanue reflect on this time of Advent as a special opportunity to prepare for the arrival of Christ through prayer and penance. Bishop Brennan encourages us to avoid the distractions of the season, and instead go deeper into the longing for Christ’s return and the ultimate hope of His redemption and salvation.

Episode 127 –  A Time of Gratitude and Hope

In this special Thanksgiving episode of Big City Catholics, Bishop Brennan and Fr. Heanue discuss the Thanksgiving and Advent season. Centering around gratitude and confidence in God’s promises, Bishop Brennan is especially thankful for our diocese’s vibrant World Youth Day, and wants to let all young people know that they are loved, and the Church will always be home to them.