Podcast: Big City Catholics Podcast

Episode 112 – Knights of Columbus & Our Universal Call to Holiness

In this edition of Big City Catholics, Bishop Brennan and Fr. Heanue discuss the fraternal organization of the Knights of Columbus, founded by Blessed Michael McGivney and rooted in charity and support for life, vocations, and religious liberty. Bishop Brennan calls us to contemplate our universal call to holiness so as to have that power to transform the world.

Episode 109 – Encountering God with Sister Mercedes Torres

In his second installment of recordings for Big City Catholics from the National Eucharistic Congress, Bishop Brennan is joined by Sister Mercedes Torres, Vocation Director for the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist. Sister Mercedes shares her vocation story as she explains prayer and discernment, the power of living a sacramental life, and uniting together in common love for Jesus.

Episode 99 – Unity Through Our Gifts From the Holy Spirit

In this edition of Big City Catholics, Bishop Brennan and Fr. Heanue reflect on the season of Easter and all the wonderful celebrations, as well as the challenges in our diocese. As we come to the great feast of Pentecost, Bishop Brennan calls us to maintain our communion with one another while keeping common unity with the Lord through our gifts from the Holy Spirit.

Episode 90 – Life In Abundance with Deacon Kevin McCormack

In this edition of Big City Catholics, Bishop Brennan is joined by Deacon Kevin McCormack, Superintendent of Schools for the diocese. They discuss important issues in today’s society and stress how the choices we make in life shouldn’t be handled with quick solutions. Bishop Brennan encourages us as we live our lives to accompany one another and walk with Jesus who came so that we may have life and have it in abundance.

Episode 89 – Mother Cabrini: Promoter of Human Dignity

In this episode of Big City Catholics, Bishop Brennan and Fr. Heanue discuss the premiere of Cabrini, a film about Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini. They speak on Mother Cabrini’s impressive life as a missionary and her powerful impact on society as a promoter of human dignity despite heavy resistance. Bishop Brennan encourages us to see the film of this first American citizen to be canonized as a saint and to continue to seek her intercession.