Podcast: Big City Catholics Podcast

Episode 76 – The Reality of God Coming in Solidarity with Us

As we step into the second week of Advent, Bishop Brennan and Fr. Heanue reflect on the traditions around the diocese in this edition of Big City Catholics. These customs include the Annual Bishop’s Christmas Luncheon to support schools and the youth, as well as the lighting of the Christmas Tree in Grand Army Plaza. They both highlight the importance of the nativity scene as a tool of evangelization which captures Christ entering into the reality of human life and being in solidarity with us. Bishop Brennan reminds us that the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary celebrates Mary’s patience and hope that we too shall possess as we prepare for the great feast of Christmas.

Episode 75 – Preparing the Way for the Lord Today and Always

In this edition of Big City Catholics, Bishop Brennan and Fr. Heanue introduce Advent as a penitential season where we prepare our hearts to receive The Christ Child. The diocese is taking the necessary steps to provide prayerful programming and activities for the faithful to eagerly celebrate and rush forth to meet Jesus Christ for the fullness of salvation. Bishop Brennan encourages people to make this season different as it is the beginning of the new liturgical year and an opportunity for a fresh start to repent and believe the Good News.

Episode 74 – Being In Communion With One Another

In this edition of Big City Catholics, Bishop Brennan and Fr. Heanue discuss the letter released regarding the statistics and realities of the diocese. They include the decline of Mass attendance and leadership, the needs of the faithful, and cultural adaptations. Bishop Brennan calls us to preserve, practice, enhance, and grow our Catholic life together. The responsibility we each bear as faithful Catholics is to evangelize and share the Good News of the Gospel.

Episode 73 – A Visit From Archbishop Nelson Pérez

In this episode of Big City Catholics, Bishop Robert J. Brennan is joined by Archbishop Nelson Pérez, Archbishop of Philadelphia, who are together again at the US Conference of Bishops Fall Plenary Meeting in Baltimore. They talk about how the two of them were ordained together years ago and reminisce on their interesting journey since then. Bishop Brennan and Archbishop Pérez then speak to what is discussed at the Baltimore’s Bishops Meeting.

Episode 72 – Judged By Love. How We Loved. By The One Who Loves Us.

In this week’s episode of Big City Catholics, Bishop Brennan and Fr. Heanue continue this month’s theme of prayer and remembrance by discussing how fragile life is and recognizing our temporal existence on this earth. Bishop Brennan calls us to recognize that throughout our life we are invited towards God. He explains that in the end, we will be judged by love, how we loved, by the one who loves us. The response of our life matters to ultimately enter eternal life with God in Heaven.

Episode 71 – A Month of Prayer and Remembrance

Prayer and remembrance is the theme of this week’s Big City Catholics. As Bishop Brennan remarks, prayer is about placing ourselves before God, humbling ourselves before Him, and asking that we and the world be conformed to His will. During the month of November as we celebrate All Saints Day and All Souls’ Day, we are reminded of the hope for eternal life and our faith in the resurrection.

Episode 70 – Youths United in Faith with Lucia Morales, Associate Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministry of the Diocese of Brooklyn 

Lucia Morales, the Associate Director for Youth & Young Adult Ministry for the Diocese of Brooklyn, joins Bishop Brennan on this episode of Big City Catholics. They discuss their experiences together in Lisbon, Portugal during World Youth Day and recount the excitement of the youths united in faith. As young adults of the diocese continue their ministry, Lucia Morales announces the beginning of a new organizational chapter of Young Catholic Professionals (YCP) within Brooklyn and Queens, which brings together like-minded professionals supporting the great mission of the Catholic faith. 

Episode 69 – The Living Realities of Parishes with Msgr. Joseph Grimaldi, Vicar General for the Diocese of Brooklyn

Msgr. Joseph Grimaldi, Vicar General for the Diocese and Pastor of St. Bernard Parish in Bergen Beach, Brooklyn, joins Bishop Brennan on this episode of Big City Catholics. They have an honest conversation about the convocation meeting of priests and its impact on life in Brooklyn and Queens. Both discuss the living realities and challenges faced, including fewer priests and ministry leadership, demographic shifts, and the changing needs of the people.

Episode 68 – A Prayer For Peace Around the World

Bishop Brennan and Fr. Heanue discuss the depths of the terrorist attacks on Israel in this episode of Big City Catholics. The Diocese of Brooklyn stands in unity with our Jewish brothers and sisters and all those affected by these crimes against humanity. Bishop Brennan expresses that there is no room for evil in a civil society. As people of hope, we must continue to work for peace around the world. 

Episode 67 – Listening to One Another & Walking Together With Jesus Christ

Communication, listening to one another, and walking together with Jesus Christ is the encouraging message of Pope Francis and the theme of this week’s episode of Big City Catholics. This month of October begins a very special time in the Church where unity in the diversity of Catholics is highlighted. We see this through the beginning of the Synod, the consistory of new cardinals, and the installation of the Regional Episcopal Vicars at the local level. Bishop Brennan urges us to connect in partnership to maintain a strong Catholic presence through preserving human dignity and standing in solidarity.